letters to my son . june 2014

Dear E,

These past couple of weeks have been a little rough on you because you are so used to me taking care of you all day and now I have to stay on bed rest. You keep on trying to pull me off the bed to play with you but I have to keep on telling you that I have to stay in bed and to ask your daddy to play instead. Hopefully all of this will be worth it and you can have a little brother or sister to play with in 8 months.

We did manage to go to Disneyland and Legoland in between my bed rests. You had so much fun because you know and love a lot of the rides now. You even tried the little roller coaster at Toon Town. When we asked you if it was fun you said “yes” but when we asked if you want to go again you said “no”. You love all the rides at Legoland. You are just short of 36 inches right now. I think you will have so much fun this Fall when you grow taller and get to go on many more rides there. Some of your favorites are: The Skipper School, Flight Squadron, Safari Trek and Sky Patrol.

We are going to start summer school in a couple of weeks. It’s just once a week parent and me class at the preschool you will be going to in September. You love playing with the neighbors’ kids and you’ve been so bored at home that hopefully you will make a lot of new friends and have a lot of fun at school.

Last week for the first time I asked you to stand in front of the wall so I could take some pictures of you and you actually did it. You thought it was so funny and you couldn’t stop laughing. I know I say this all the time but I cannot believe how fast you’ve grown. Looking at these pictures you look so grown up. You are no longer a little baby anymore but you are still my baby boy. Luckily you’ve been back to calling me “Mama” instead of “Mom”.



Please continue the circle and read my friend Mickie‘s letter to her son.

3 Responses to “letters to my son . june 2014”

  1. Mickie says:

    Adorable and you’re right he looks so big!!

  2. Cynthia says:

    His smile is precious!!

  3. Bethany says:

    Love all his different expressions!

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kids were here . october 2013
letters to my son . january 2014
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