letters to my son . march 2014

Dearest E,

I’m not sure what to write to you about this month so I will just tell you about our day. Today we woke up pretty early so I asked if you want to go to the fish market. We went there last week and you loved it there. It’s pretty rare for you to say yes these days because you love staying home so much but you said yes immediately. You and I had a lot of fun playing in the sand and chasing the birds. We were there for 2 hours and you were still reluctant to go home. When we got home you played with your water table and drew outside with your chalk writing your Es and Ms before you finally tire out and took a nap.

We’ve been swimming a lot lately since the weather has been warmer. Today you were so eager to get in the pool. Your dad wanted you to wear the “swim jacket”. You hated your old one and you would rather not go in the pool than wearing it so we got you a new softer one. This was the second time you wear it and we are so amazed at how much you can do. Last time you didn’t want to let go of our hands the whole time we were in the pool and this time you happily swam around and going under the waterfall.

You’ve also been trying to test us on how much you can get away with. I have been giving you a lot of time-outs lately because you didn’t want to clean up your messes that you purposely did. Like tonight when you threw your pistachio shells down after I repeatedly told you not to. It’s so hard to keep my angry face on when giving you time-outs. You think that it’s a game. Every time I sat you down for time-outs you always come out giggling looking for me and I have to put you back to your time-out spot several times before you understand and caves.

You love to help. You always want to help with taking out the trash and bringing the cans back in, throw away your diapers, taking the laundry down the chute and feeding Indy. You are getting bigger and bigger everyday. You can jump on the bed without having to hold my hand now and you can shell your favorite pistachio nuts without our help.

Thank you for such a wonderful day!



Please continue the circle by visiting my friend Cynthia’s blog to read her letter.

6 Responses to “letters to my son . march 2014”

  1. Cynthia says:

    Your little guys sounds like so much fun Vironica! What a fun day of swimming. :)

  2. Jessica says:

    These are amazing Vironica! I absolutely ADORE those underwater shots! You got really great light! Is this an underwater housing or a waterproof camera?

  3. Jenn says:

    Wow – love those underwater shots! Such great moments….I especially love the BW with the dog! Great!

  4. Kristy says:

    I love that you wrote about your day! Amazing underwater shots too!

  5. Tricia says:

    I think E would love to hang out with my boys. :) I always love the way you capture his everyday with such attention to detail and beauty. <3

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letters to my son . february 2014
project 365 . week 14
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project 365 . week 2