Letters to My Son . April 2013

I am starting a new project with some of my photographer friends. The Letters To Our Children blog circle will feature a letter to our child or one of our children each month.

Dearest Evan,

I have been wanting to write to you since you were in my belly, but I have never been very good with words so I am going to try to include some images with my letters.

It’s hard to believe that my sweet little boy will be one-and-a-half years old tomorrow. It feels like it was just yesterday that I held you in my arms the day you were born. I can tell you that it was the happiest day in my life! Everyone kept on telling us to enjoy every moment because you will grow up so fast. How true is that! All of a sudden you are a big boy that runs around the house and knows every animal in your books.

This last couple of weeks has not been very fun for us. I got sick and I am sorry that I got you sick too. We are very lucky that you are one happy and healthy little boy and this is the first time you really did not feel well. On the bright side, you got to spend a lot of time reading and taking a bath; two of your favorite things to do. I have to tell you that you are such a good boy, taking your medicine like a champ (and wanting more of it). I love you very much, even when you are not being your sweet self and our days are challenging.



To continue through this blog circle check out Jaimi Lammers here


8 Responses to “Letters to My Son . April 2013”

  1. Gina says:

    Veronica, absolutely stunning. I am such a fun of your work. It is always so clean, simple and beautiful! Wow just wow! And your loving words are beautiful…

  2. kristen says:

    I love the first photo! His expression is so calm – and how sweet his little piggies in the last photo!

  3. Sharon says:

    Love that first photo especially! What a sweet boy you have!

  4. Jodie says:

    Oh how sweet! I am glad that the two of you are on the mend now. Stunning images and gorgeous light you have found there! I love that shot of his toes! beautiful!

  5. Beautiful images and sweet letter.

  6. Nikki says:

    Veronica, these images are absolutely adorable! He is such a beautiful boy!

  7. Tricia E. says:

    What a beautiful and sweet letter – and such gorgeous images to go along with it! I love the light and intimate feeling these have – and I love that you’re in there, too! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Kimberly says:

    Aw, I hope you are both feeling better now. It breaks my heart when one of the little ones is sick.

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