letters to my son . may 2014

Dearest E,

Another month went by. A month full of excitement for you. You are at such a fun age where you started to be able to do things. You dyed and decorated the Easter eggs for the first time this past Easter. You loved the Easter egg hunt. You picked up all the eggs, put them in your basket, took them all out and picked them up again over and over. You’ve been pretending to take a picture of mama whenever I have my camera out to take your photo so when Easter bunny got you a toy camera you were ready.

This last month you got better at riding your scooter, you are now really good with your tricycle and you got brave enough to slide down the big boy slide at Disneyland. You are getting better and better at telling stories and you are starting to listen better. You started and finished soccer camp and had a lot of fun doing it. The first week of class you did not listen to your coach at all, you were just interested in dribbling the ball and making goals. By the last week of the 5 week program you were able to follow the coaches’ instructions.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. I’m sure you don’t understand what that means yet. You made me a mother two and a half years ago and I am so thankful for that. After all of our struggle trying I was overjoyed when I learned that I was pregnant. My pregnancy was a breeze and I loved every minute of it. The day you were born was easily the best day of my life. You’ve been my inspiration, my muse ever since. I don’t know who taught you or how you learned, this past week you started calling me “mom” instead of “mama”. Your favorite thing to do is to come hug me and say “mom” which is so sweet but it makes me a little sad that you are growing up and you will stop calling me mama altogether pretty soon. For now let me hang on and enjoy your babyhood just a little longer.

Love always,


Please continue through the circle to read my friend Bethany‘s letter to her daughter.

One Response to “letters to my son . may 2014”

  1. Cynthia says:

    That is such a bittersweet moment when they stop calling you mama. Love your photos this month!

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